centering prayer
Centering Prayer is meditative prayer practice in which one enters into silence to spend intentional time with Christ. Instructional videos are available on our Learn page.
In our online Centering Prayer sits, groups begin with brief instruction by the leader, continue with a 20-minute centering prayer sit, and conclude with some time to talk with each other about the practice. You may register for as many or as few sits each week as you’d like. Registering for a group does not mean you must attend every week. Join us weekly, biweekly, monthly, or perhaps just once. We would love to have you however often you can join us.
Our schedule is available below. Please use the links to register for each Zoom meeting.
7:30-8 AM CT | 6:30-7 am mt
Led by Mother Rita Kendagor
Read her bio here
12:15-12:45 PM CT | 11:15-11:45 am mt
Led by Brother James Dowd, OSB
Read his bio here
7:30-8 am ct | 6:30-7 am mt
Led by Father David Stock
Read his bio here
12:15-12:45 PM CT | 11:15-11:45 am mt
Led by Brother James Dowd, OSB
Read his bio here
10-11 AM ct | 9-10 am mt
Led by Brother James Dowd, OSB
Read his bio here
4 pM ct | 3 pm mt
Led by Brother James Dowd, OSB
Read his bio here